Professor Sue Nichols
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Sue Nichols has researched family perspectives and parent involvement in education for more than twenty years. Her research takes a networked ecological perspective to understanding the multiple contexts and connections through which children and youth participate in learning. She has published four books, including Resourcing Early Learners: New networks, new actors.
Dr Hannah Soong
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Hannah Soong is a Senior Lecturer in Education Futures. Hannah’s research focus lies at the nexus of education and migration experiences, with a specific focus on international students and migrants’ transnational mobility experiences and sense of belonging.
Dr Nadia Selim
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Nadia Selim is a Research Assistant in the division of Education Futures. She is a language acquisition researcher. Her interests include Arabic language learning in Australia, L2 motivation, and using digital resources in L2 learning. Nadia is behind “ArabicWithNadia”, which has over 26,000 social media followers.
Professor Karen Dooley
QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Karen Dooley is a professor in the School of Teacher Education and Leadership, QUT. Her previous Australian Research Council projects have investigated pedagogy for refugee students; digital and print literacies in high poverty, high diversity conditions; and private tutoring. Her Ian Potter Foundation project investigated iPads in kindergarten.
Ass/Prof Michelle Neumann
SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY Michelle Neumann is an Associate Professor in Education. Her research interests are in early childhood education, early literacy, child development and learning, parent-child interactions, home and preschool settings, touch screen tablets, and social robots.
Ms Narelle Robertson
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Narelle Robertson is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Associate Prof Nichols, Dr Soong and Dr Green. Her background is in psychology and teaching. She is a recipient of an Australian Government Research Program Scholarship. Narelle’s PhD will examine how parents supporting children with learning difficulties experience school-home digital connectivity. |